On The PCOL Global Network - June 2012
Magda Ferrer, International Planetary Cities of Light Coordinator
Dear GOF members:
This month I want to summarize the content of the conferences in June and July, as both have already been made. Juliano, in the June conference, explains the importance of the global network and the interaction between the Planetary Cities of Light within the network. He says that the brotherhood and sisterhood between Planetary Cities of Light aims that the Planetary City of Light communicate with each by email or phone or even through travel, creating bonds of solidarity and friendship and helping each other in times of conflict . That's important because if the City of Light has a problem can be helped by her planetary sister an, even, in certain cases, the entire global network can help a particular City of Light through Biorelativity.
Then, Juliano says that the Brotherhood between Planetary Cities of Light and their Star Sister City Light are like "icing on a cake", they are like a special treat, they are like a special chocolate on a birthday cake, it makes everything more intense, it makes everything higher, but it is not necessary. You already have the cake and the cake tastes great"
And Juliano adds: "But we have created and helped to create the network of Star Cities for those cities that have people who can go to higher fifth dimensional galactic energies... There are galactic cities of higher dimensions and they want to help and connect energetically to the Earth. And these Planetary Cities of Light are acknowledging, are teaching this, that we recognize the Planetary City of Light as a planet, as a city with planetary awareness and that we want to create and add with total responsibility as a planet. And also we do want to act in accordance with our galactic heritage".
An interesting question raised in June is that of Rafael Izaguirre, coordinator general of Venezuela, about the Disclosure and how to inform others of the presence, guidance and help of the Arcturians in this process of change. Juliano says no Arcturian revelation is necessary and that the best way to inform others is activating Planetary Cities of Light. Juliano says: "You can advertise that you are making this a Planetary City of Light. You can advertise that you are making yourselves planetary healers. As part of the planetary healing process, you are making your city sacred... Disclosure and discussions of the Arcturians is not important for us but rather it is the planetary healing that is important"
It gives the welcome to two new cities Planetary Light, for a total of 66 PCOL: in June was activated as Planetary City of Light "Praça Rafael Sapienza" in Sao Paolo, Brazil, coordinated by Silvana Pereira, and in July activated part of "Le Jardin Bagatelle" in Paris, France, coordinated by Chantal Mimmas, two new Planetary Cities of Light in a natural habitat that have received the energy of Mother Mary. And in July has enabled the brotherhood between two Planetary Cities of Light in Spain, Fuente de Fatima and Murcia, with Lourdes in France. Juliano has created a beautiful arch of light surrounding the energy field of the three Planetary Cities of Light, linking them together.
And other news of interest is the possible emergence of a group GOF in Hawaii, which, on the advice of Julian, could found several Planetary Cities of Light on the island of Oahu. Hawaii is connected with Lemuria and ancient energies and Juliano says that many people who have moved to Hawaii or have reincarnated onto Hawaii, have done so for the exact purpose of doing planetary healing and they could create powerful groups in the new Planetary Cities of Light and the bonds of brotherhood with other cities Planetary Cities of Light in the global network, would help raise the energy of the entire Project of Planetary Cities of Light.
And hoping that this is fulfilled, I finish this summary encouraging the people of the island of Oahu in Hawaii to register in the Group of Forty to establish new Planetary Cities of Light in the global network.
Planetary City of Light Phone Conference Schedule
We will have the monthly PCOL Conference call on the 3rd or 4th Sunday each month.
The next PCOL conference call will be on Sunday August 19 at 9:00 AM, Pacific time, on the phone conference number: 1-712-432-3100, bridge 488147
Planetary City of Light and Worldwide Crystal Meditation- July/August
The worldwide meditations take place every third Saturday of the month following the time zone in order to achieve a global wave of meditations for 12/24 hours:
Saturday, July 21 - Planetary Cities of Light Meditation
Saturday, August 18-
12 Arcturian Etheric Crystals Meditation
Saturday, September 15 - Planetary Cities of Light Meditation
22 Temmuz 2012 Pazar
Noosphere and Biosphere, Feedback Loop, Diamond Shaped Rings, north south and equator bubbles
Biorelativity Report
By Pauline Taylor
Biorelativity Coordinator
Juliano and the Arcturians used this month's bioreltivity exercise to remind us that "one of the big lessons and one of the big energies in biorelativity is to teach the world that one part of the planet is affecting all parts of the planet. "
He described, and asked us to visualise and create, the noosphere, "a layer of thought energy that exists within the biosphere." It is a thin line on the outer edge of the biosphere. "The biosphere is the entire energy field of planet Earth. This contains all ofthe feedback loop energy. It contains all of the thought patterns, all of the electro-magnetic structures that are combining with, for example, oxygen, nitrogen, and it includes the life-force energies of this planet."
To allow us to visualise the aura of the Earth he described it as somewhat like the signof the symbol of infinity and also added this description: "Imagine intersecting circles that have a very beautiful and powerful shape encompassing the entire aura. Perhaps another way to describe it would be to consider it as diamond shaped rings that come around the whole planet. But if that is a difficult image for you to visualise, you can also visualise the aura as two huge circles almost like bubbles that are on each side of the planet. One is a huge electro-magnetic bubble of light on the North Pole. The other is a huge magnetic bubble on the South Pole. But also there is a huge magnetic bubble along the entire hemisphere, the equator. So now imagine that you have a huge magnetic bubble on the top, on the bottom, and a huge magnetic bubble on the equator on the left side and a huge magnetic bubble on the equator on the right side, and then suddenly imagine that all these huge magnetic bubbles are interacting in a gigantic interactive auric bubble of light" on the outside of which there is the line of the noosphere.
In the meditations he asked us to:
Visualise and help to create this gigantic circle of light known as the noosphere, and visualise and send the energy of man's higher consciousness going around the Earth in the aura and establish our intention to hold this and we can visualise this whole circle, the noosphere as the Ring of Ascension, which can be seen from every angle.
Send a thought request for harmony and balance within the weather patterns. Our thoughts and requests can make up the difference from the Earth trying to rebalance itself to compensate for a lack of balance, 'interacting with the Ring of Ascension" and creating a circle of thought that is going to permanently be able to interact with the Earth's feedback loop system."
Create a second ring inside the noosphere, which is a harmony with all animal and plant life on this planet.
Let this aspect of the noosphere be filled with the harmonious thoughts of peace and balance and acceptance of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all and send thoughts of harmony and balance to the political systems and the world leaders in Mexico, Egypt and the USA and let all political leaders be filled with the wisdom of balance.
Let there be a balance of financial wisdom in the noosphere.
Let there be a balance in the spiritual energy of the planet through the light of the Sacred Triangle. "There will come a greater understanding of the galactic spiritual light, a greater understanding of all of the mystical thought patterns from the religions on the Earth, and a greater understanding of the teachings and powers of the native peoples on this planet. And a great spiritual awakening can come forth because we are helping to create that spiritual awakening through the noosphere."
We are helping to create man's new thought patterns that are being distributed through the noosphere, a new layer of light in the biosphere. The Arcturians will be working with us, especially in this time cycle between now and August 10th.
Regular Biorelativity Exercises.
In this time of great change and great potential we will take the opportunity to work with these tools and energies of biorelatvity on a regular basis every week.
These sessions will take place at 3pm on a Monday, Pacific Time. Here is a link to a time zone converter to find that time in your country.
The Arcturians send many blessings to us all as planetary healers. Thank you.
In love and light and gratitude,
Pauline Taylor
By Pauline Taylor
Biorelativity Coordinator
Juliano and the Arcturians used this month's bioreltivity exercise to remind us that "one of the big lessons and one of the big energies in biorelativity is to teach the world that one part of the planet is affecting all parts of the planet. "
He described, and asked us to visualise and create, the noosphere, "a layer of thought energy that exists within the biosphere." It is a thin line on the outer edge of the biosphere. "The biosphere is the entire energy field of planet Earth. This contains all ofthe feedback loop energy. It contains all of the thought patterns, all of the electro-magnetic structures that are combining with, for example, oxygen, nitrogen, and it includes the life-force energies of this planet."
To allow us to visualise the aura of the Earth he described it as somewhat like the signof the symbol of infinity and also added this description: "Imagine intersecting circles that have a very beautiful and powerful shape encompassing the entire aura. Perhaps another way to describe it would be to consider it as diamond shaped rings that come around the whole planet. But if that is a difficult image for you to visualise, you can also visualise the aura as two huge circles almost like bubbles that are on each side of the planet. One is a huge electro-magnetic bubble of light on the North Pole. The other is a huge magnetic bubble on the South Pole. But also there is a huge magnetic bubble along the entire hemisphere, the equator. So now imagine that you have a huge magnetic bubble on the top, on the bottom, and a huge magnetic bubble on the equator on the left side and a huge magnetic bubble on the equator on the right side, and then suddenly imagine that all these huge magnetic bubbles are interacting in a gigantic interactive auric bubble of light" on the outside of which there is the line of the noosphere.
In the meditations he asked us to:
Visualise and help to create this gigantic circle of light known as the noosphere, and visualise and send the energy of man's higher consciousness going around the Earth in the aura and establish our intention to hold this and we can visualise this whole circle, the noosphere as the Ring of Ascension, which can be seen from every angle.
Send a thought request for harmony and balance within the weather patterns. Our thoughts and requests can make up the difference from the Earth trying to rebalance itself to compensate for a lack of balance, 'interacting with the Ring of Ascension" and creating a circle of thought that is going to permanently be able to interact with the Earth's feedback loop system."
Create a second ring inside the noosphere, which is a harmony with all animal and plant life on this planet.
Let this aspect of the noosphere be filled with the harmonious thoughts of peace and balance and acceptance of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all and send thoughts of harmony and balance to the political systems and the world leaders in Mexico, Egypt and the USA and let all political leaders be filled with the wisdom of balance.
Let there be a balance of financial wisdom in the noosphere.
Let there be a balance in the spiritual energy of the planet through the light of the Sacred Triangle. "There will come a greater understanding of the galactic spiritual light, a greater understanding of all of the mystical thought patterns from the religions on the Earth, and a greater understanding of the teachings and powers of the native peoples on this planet. And a great spiritual awakening can come forth because we are helping to create that spiritual awakening through the noosphere."
We are helping to create man's new thought patterns that are being distributed through the noosphere, a new layer of light in the biosphere. The Arcturians will be working with us, especially in this time cycle between now and August 10th.
Regular Biorelativity Exercises.
In this time of great change and great potential we will take the opportunity to work with these tools and energies of biorelatvity on a regular basis every week.
These sessions will take place at 3pm on a Monday, Pacific Time. Here is a link to a time zone converter to find that time in your country.
The Arcturians send many blessings to us all as planetary healers. Thank you.
In love and light and gratitude,
Pauline Taylor
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